
Diwali Workshop 22-11-23

Thank you to World End Workshops for a fantastic morning of celebrating the Diwali story.

The year 2 and reception classes had lots of fun learning about Diwali through story telling, music and movement and dance. 

Reception - Odd Sock Day 13.11.23

As part of our anti-bullying week, lots of us wore odd socks to school. We recognised that these were different and talked about if something is different it is good to say something nice. We told each other why we liked their socks; "I like your sock because it is pink", "I like your sock because it has stripes".
We listened to a song called 'One kind word'.

Sometimes we notice differences, when we do it is kind to say positive words.  We all very different but very beautiful!

Black History Month

During October for Black History Month across school, we studied various historical figures including: Rosa Parks, Mary Seacole, Florence Price, Pablo Fanque, Harriet Tubman and Betty Campbell.

We have also added other historical figures to the time periods that we study to reflect the diversity of world history.

Year 2 - conductive music workshop

Year 2 took part in a conductive music workshop that combined Science, Music and Computing. We used 'makey, makey' machines to create music. We used the controls on the machine to make a sound. Next we were shown how we could use our bodies to make notes because electricity can pass through our bodies. We then had fun testing our different body parts. After that, we used ruler with tin foil on to create a mini piano and had a go at playing a piece of music together as a class. 

Remembrance Day

Today at 11am we held our two minutes silence for Remembrance Day.

Also we have created poppy artwork to commemorate the day. Please take a look.

Mrs Williams

LOTC - Reception Spontaneous walk to the local church

Wwent on a spontaneous walk to th local church. As we walked we spotted signs of autumn, lots of leaves are changing colour and a bramble with blackberries on it. We saw pumpkins and even a lion!
As we got closer to the church we could hear a bell ringing, welcoming us inside.
We were met by two lovely ladies. As we entered we could hear some beautiful music being played on the organ by an man named Joel.
We learned lots about what happens in the church. We stood around the font and pretended to baptise a baby doll by putting water on its head and making the sign of the cross. This is how a baby, child or adult is welcomed into the family of the church.
We learned that people pray in the church, by talking quietly to God.
We looked at the Alter and spotted lots of crosses and doves.
And our favourite part was when Joel played the organ for us again, then the keyboard and finally the drums.
We had a lovely time on our trip and learned lots of new things.

Fire Service Visit Year 4

Year 4 had a wonderful visit from West Midlands Fire Service to go through a safety talk. They came into class and taught us all about car and road safety, the stop, drop and roll technique as well as what to do if we see a fire.

The fire fighters were really impressed with our knowledge and understanding, we even got to pop outside and see their fire engine.