This week in PSHE, Year 5 children have had the opportunity to administer some basic first aid to bleeds. We looked at how to deal with nose bleeds, then looked at signs and symptoms of more severe bleeding, learning what to do in an emergency and how to apply bandages to severe cuts. They did really well and will hopefully remember what to do if they find themselves in an emergency bleeding situation.
Nursery Weekly Learning - 27.03.23
This week in connection to having chicks in the nursery, we read the story 'Six Little Chicks'.
The children had great fun creating their own Easter cards by having a go at cutting out an egg shape and then using cotton buds dipped in paint to create patterns on their egg shape.
Nursery Easter Bonnet Parade - 29.03.23
After our Inspire session last week making Easter bonnets with our families. We had an Easter parade this week.
We had great fun singing Easter songs and parading in our Easter bonnets!
Our chicks in Nursery
What a great experience, the children watched the eggs hatch and the chicks pop out!
The children were very excited to hold the chicks this week and they gently stroked the feathers and said the feathers were soft.
The children watched the chicks run around on the carpet and observed how some of the chicks used their little wings to try and fly out of the tray onto the carpet.
The children looked at books on chicks and compared the pictures in the books to the chicks in the nursery.
Today the Y5 and Y6 scholars visited Sheffield University for their project launch. They took part in university style seminars, learnt about critical thinking and went on a campus tour. One of the buildings that they visited was the 'Art Centre', which was engineered with Tier 2 structures meaning that it is one of only a handful of buildings in the UK that is able to withstand natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes.
'This trip was great because I had no idea how large university campuses were or just how many cool societies you could be a member of' - Dilnoor 6S
'I liked learning about the different types of learning that can happen at university. I wanted to find out about the different courses that could be available to me and this trip helped with that' - Harjasmine 5D
Mr Fowler, Mr Staniland and Mrs Watson are all really proud of each of these children for being selected for the Scholars Programme and we can't wait to celebrate heir assignment successes with them during the summer term at their graduation. Who knows which prestigious UK university we will be visiting for that?

On Friday, Year 6 held an Inspire Afternoon where parents/carers were invited to join the children during an important stage of our STEM project! Using the hybrid designs the children had created in class, parents and pupils had the task of bringing them to life using a range of resources!
The pupils in Year 6 will now use these structures to help aid their designs (using CAD software) which will eventually be 3D printed!
Nursery Weekly Learning 20-03-23
This week the children have been learning all about chicks. We read the story 'Five Little Chicks'.
In the creative area, we then created our own chicks, by using our cutting skills to cut out shapes and then stick them together. We used felt pens to draw eyes, beaks and wings.
The children got a lovely surprise this week. To have the experience of watching eggs hatch into chicks!
The children patiently watched the eggs closely in the incubator, and were amazed when they saw them crack and then hatch, and then a chick pop out!
The children are looking forward to holding the chicks next week. They have been chatting about what they eat, how they all huddle up together to go to sleep and how they make such a loud noise!
Nursery Inspire Session - 22-03-23
What a great inspire afternoon! A big thank you to all the nursery parents who came to nursery to help the children create their own Easter bonnets, ready for the Easter Bonnet Parade celebrations next week.
The children and parents got busy using the many different resources from tissue paper, card, googly eyes, pom poms, sparkly strips and lots more.
Here are a few photographs from both the AM and PM session of us working together in the nursery.
Y6 Welcome in the Month of Ramadan
Today Y6 made Ramadan Cards to celebrate the month of Ramadan. We spoke about the commitment, dedication and sacrifice needed during the fasting of Ramadan. We are so proud of the children in Y6, who are trying their fast for the first time this year.
Ramadan Mubarak to all of our families. Here are some examples of our wonderful cards.
Mrs Watson and Mrs Strode
Reception Inspire afternoon 23.03.23
What a lovely afternoon we have had! Our special adults came into school to help us all create our own Easter bonnet, ready for our celebrations next week. We all chose different designs and with our adults help made some wonderful creations.
We used card, foam, pom poms, pipe cleaners, tissue paper, googly eyes, pens, cotton wool... the list goes on.
Here we are as we worked together...
Reception LOTC - Planting potatoes
A few weeks ago we chitted our potato seeds. We have been checking them regularly to see whether their shoots had begun to grow in readiness to be planted.
Today they were ready. We put some compost into the grow bags and then carefully added our potato seeds. We covered them lightly with more compost. We will continue to check on them because when their shoots grow and begin to show above the compost we will need to add more.
Reception Class Weekly Learning 20.3.23
Our story this week is 'Six Little Chicks'. We have activated lots of words from the book and very much enjoyed bringing the story to life by adding actions and sounds.
We have created chicks in many different mediums; paints, felt pens and play dough. Adding detailed features and learning a new skill of how to make an object look fluffy. We decided that a fork or a tooth brush used in the paint creates a lovely fluffy effect. We also added straw to our paintings, like the bottom of a chicken coop.
We have some very special visitors in school this week. When they arrived they were hidden from us inside their eggs, but as the week progressed they began to hatch and we now have 8 little chicks in nursery. We are very excited to watch them grow and hopefully will be able to hold them next week.
During our phonic sessions we have been reading longer words and sentences. We are very proud of the children for all their hard work and it is amazing to hear them read so well.
We have used illustrations from our focus story to write sentences. We are able to use the phonemes that we have learnt, to segment words and then write them to form a sentence. At the moment we are practicing holding a sentence in our heads.
In maths we have been matching numerals and amounts with the eggs and chicks. We have also been consolidating our learning on how to make the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 on our ten frames.
Year 5 Inspire afternoon - STEM project
On Tuesday 21st March, parents and carers of children in Year 5 came in to help construct buildings linked to our ongoing STEM project. We used boxes, plastic, tissue and other resources that we had gathered to assemble structures like libraries, leisure centres, community centres, hospitals, restaurants and shops. We had planned out what we wanted our buildings to look like in a previous lesson and these were our prototypes in preparation for when we use technology to produce CAD versions that we will 3d print in the coming weeks.
Year 4 Inspire - School buildings!
As part of our STEM project, children in Year 4 invited their parents to come and join them in making models of their planned school buildings. They had to make sure their models matched the plans that the children created in class. We had a lovely time working together to produce our models. Have a look at what some of us created!
We had lots of fun in Forest School this week! We linked our learning to our focus story from the previous week; The Three Little Pigs. The children were challenged to create a house made of sticks for one of the little pigs. We then pretended to be the wolf. We huffed and puffed but couldn't blow the house down.
We were also Spring detectives. We searched the forest for signs of the changing seasons, from winter to spring. We found Crocuses, Daffodils, Broom and Catkins.
We had fun swinging on the tree swing and playing hide and seek.
Nursery Weekly Learning - 13.03.23
This week we have been thinking about our mums ready for 'Mother's Day Celebrations'. The children talked about how they look after us.
We read stories about special people who look after us and how they help us.
For creative activities we used our hand-eye co ordination skills and created our own cards for our mums.
We used sparkly gems and created patterns on coasters to give to our mums.
STEM -Year 2 Inspire Afternoon
This afternoon, the children invited their families to come in to design and make a car. The children were fantastic and the parents support made this afternoon a huge success. Everyone worked really hard and we are so proud of their finished vehicles. Thank you for all of your support, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Science Day in Reception
During our Science day we explored wind. We learned that moving air makes wind. A fan has blades that spin and create wind, a balloon pump pushes air through a hole to create wind and wind is blown from a hairdryer.
We linked our science learning to our focus story; The Three Little Pigs. The wolf 'huffed' and 'puffed'. He created wind with his mouth to blow down the pigs houses.
As scientists, we explored to see whether we could blow down straw, sticks and bricks using a balloon pump, a hairdryer and a fan.
We also explored whether we could change the colour of snow.....will it ever turn back to white?
Reception Class Weekly Learning 13.3.23
This week we have been thinking about the people who care for us and in particular the special women in our lives. We have talked about the ways in which they show their love and care; "My mom helps me cross the road", "My mom cooks me sausages", "My nan takes me to the beach", just some of the sentences our children wrote.
We have used some of the creative skills that we have learned to paint a portrait of our special moms and nans and each created them an individual card to show them how much we love them.
We have shared many lovely stories, not only about our nans and moms, but also stories to inspire us as we get older. We talked about the Christian season of Lent, and the preparation for Easter. We learned that Mother's Day is always the fourth Sunday in Lent. We are using our ten frames to do a countdown for Easter.
In our maths sessions we have been practicing making the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 on our ten frames. We also had the challenge of putting the numerals 0-10 in the correct sequence. We worked together and made a human number line.
During our phonics lessons we have been consolidating all of the phonemes that we have learned and using these to read and write longer words. We can now read words containing 'er' without the need to 'chunk' them.
Year 3 inspire - STEM
This afternoon Year 3 had their inspire afternoon and had to create their own houses. Take a look at their creations.
Nursery Weekly Learning - 06-03-23
This week in the nursery we read the story 'Noisy Farm'. We enjoyed learning about the individual farm animals by describing them to each other, and we talked about all the different noises the animals made.
We got creative making our own tractors. We focused on our cutting skills and we talked about shapes. We cut out circles for wheels and we cut out squares and rectangles for the tractors. They matched shapes to animal pictures too.
The children used their large motor skills to build tractors and farms using the big blocks.
Nursery Fun in the Snow!
A spontaneous fun day in the snow!
The children rolled the snow to create big shapes to build snowmen, they made footprints in the snow, searched for sticks to use for arms for the snowmen, pretended to climb mountains, had fun in the igloo house and had a fun snowball fight!
Year 2 -Trip to the Black Country Museum
As part of our Bostin Black country topic, the children visited the Black Country Museum. We went into the shops and houses, watched a film in the cinema and experienced a Victorian classroom. The children had a great day but are very glad they are at Lyng Primary School!
Nursery Weekly Learning - 28-02-23
After listening to the story 'Come on, Daisy!', the children got busy independently painting Daisy Duck.
The children talked about colours and what colour they would need to paint a duck. They talked about what colour they would need for the ducks beak and feet. They selected their colours and produced some fabulous paintings!
Nursery World Book Day
The children and staff had lots of fun dressing up in their favourite costumes!
They took part in many activities in the nursery linked to world book day. From making marks on characters from their favourite stories, to creating superhero masks, to using cutting skills to cut out gingerbread men.
The children also took part in a book swap and brought in a book to swap and they met an author who came in to tell them one of her stories.
Lyng's Choir attended Young Voices 2023 at Resorts World, Birmingham.
Lyng choir enjoyed performing at the Resorts World Birmingham when they took part in the 'Young Voices' Concert. They joined together with children and teachers from many other schools to create a choir of over 8,000 voices and they sang their hearts out to create a truly magical atmosphere in the Arena. The children were joined by Heather Small (from M People), the Urban Beatbox Collective, Amy Phoebe (a Violinist), the Urban Strides dance group and the amazing 'Young Voices' Band. They loved watching these artists perform too! The children also became recording artists, creating a recording of 'Proud' with Heather Small which will be released in aid of the charity 'Place2Be!' What a fabulous opportunity!
The 'Young Voices' Concert was a wonderfully empowering and fun experience for all of the children, who were fantastic ambassadors for our school throughout the whole day and night, making the adults accompanying them (Miss Heeks, Miss Price, Miss Gonera, Miss Clinton and Ms Thomas) incredibly proud. The parents were equally as blown away and proud! We can't wait for next year's Concert already!
"What an amazing event, Kudos to Miss Heeks and team. We can see the glow in the kids faces singing lives. Along with kids, we too thoroughly enjoyed the programme." "An amazing night and a great way to give children confidence". "It was awesome being able to join in with all the songs after hearing them practise them at home. They had so much fun and performances were equally as amazing."Their confidence have grown so much, their family in other countries were so proud, as are we.It was just an absolutely wonderful experience for the children".
Reception Class Weekly Learning 1.3.23
Our story this week is Mr Wolf's Pancakes. We enjoyed listening to how Mr Wolf didn't give up when he found it hard to read the recipe, write the ingredients and count his money. He persevered until he was able to make his own pancakes. We then enjoyed making our own pancakes too.
Using the play dough, we flipped and tossed it and added our own choice of toppings. We created Mr Wolf and the pancakes in different mediums and sequenced pictures to retell the story.
We made a calculation story using the Mr Wolf book.