Nursery Halloween Celebrations
In nursery this week we had lots of Halloween fun! We took part in many Halloween activities.
The children got busy in creating their own ghosts using different media such as cotton balls, sponges and brushes.
They made potions using glitter, pipettes and wobbly eyes! Decorated and painted pumpkins, used spoons to get the seeds out, threaded sticks through holes in the pumpkins and had lots of fun dressing up!
Harvest Festival Celebrations
A massive big thank you to our parents for the Harvest donations.
We displayed all the donations in the hall for our Harvest assembly. The vicar from Holy Trinity Church came in and did a wonderful Harvest assembly for the children. We sang hymns and gave thanks for all the food we had received.
Reception - LOTC - Planting lettuce seeds
After reading the story 'The Tiger who came to tea' and making sandwiches, we wondered where lettuce comes from. The children suggested that it comes from "Asda" and other supermarkets and one or two suggested the garden. We talked about how a farmer has to plant lettuce seeds, look after them by watering them and making sure that they get lots of light and warmth from the sun and that after a long time they grow into lettuces. We looked at lettuce seeds and discovered that they are very small. We decided to grow some lettuces of our own.
Before we could plant the seeds we had to clear the raised beds of all the weeds that had grown over the summer and prepare the soil. Once this was done we carefully planted the seeds and covered them in soil. We are watching and waiting now to see our lettuces begin to grow.
Look at us working hard....
Year 6 Viking Diaries
Wow Year 6⭐️⭐️
3 golden token winners from 1 piece of writing!
Layton has impressed staff, not only with his improved handwriting, but also the vocabulary included in his work. It read beautifully.
Nathan had a superb understanding of the style of a diary. It was like it had been written by the character himself.
And Arshjot included so much description in his work this week. Keep it up!
We were all so impressed with you!
Year 4's Anglo Saxon Day
On Monday 10th October, Year 4 had a visit from Adam an Anglo Saxon historian. We spent the morning listening to gruesome and gory battle stories, trying on armour and helmets. After a short break, we began digging for artefacts (with real life metal detectors) and even played a traditional Anglo Saxon game of Nine Men's Morris.
During the afternoon we got the chance to practise and perfect our archery skills as well as making a shield wall to hide from evil enemies. It was a fantastic, engaging and informative day! We learnt so much and had lots of fun!
Year 3 Prehistoric Art
This afternoon Year 3 have been creating their own prehistoric paint palette using natural resources. We mixed flour with water and berries to make pink paint and used charcoal to make black paint. Then the children created their own textured background to create their cave wall using rice, couscous and sand. They had so much fun!
A huge well done to Kian K-B from 4F who received a Golden Token from Mr Fowler and Mr Staniland today for outstanding commitment to his learning!
This week, we have been writing a persuasive letter and not only has Kian shown his wonderful SPaG skills in lessons, he went above and beyond by writing his own letter at home!
He showcased all the learning he has retained during our writing unit and created a very effective persuasive letter! We are so incredibly proud of you, Kian!
Outback2Basics - Year 5 Stone Age trip
On Thursday 5th October 2023 Year 5 went back in time to the Stone Age at Outback2Basics. The children were immersed into the history of the time and had the chance to be dressed up as Stone Age people from each of the different eras of the time period. We learned about what animals might have been hunted and their bodies used for - fur for clothing, bones for tools, teeth for jewellery and bladders for water pouches. They discussed how the Stone Age people would have moved in the dark and found out they used a 'Fat lamp' made from clay. The children then made their own ready to write a set of instructions. We had a great day!
On Tuesday 26th September, we held our own Spanish day to coincide with European Day of Languages. It was an opportunity to encourage excitement and curiosity about learning Spanish at Lyng.
Most year groups got the opportunity to learn about the language, culture and traditions of Spain and the children in KS2 also studied an artist from Spain and then produced a piece of work using the influence of that artist.
Here you can see some of Year 3's Antoni Gaudí-inspired art, Year 5's interpretations of Salvador Dali's 'Persistence of Time' and Year 6's Picasso-inspired cubism. You can also see Nursery's collages of the Spanish flag! ¡Muy bien!