Stone Age
This leaflet contains curriculum information for the coming term. Please support your child where you can. If you would like more information please get in touch.
Many thanks,
Mrs Williams and Miss Holden
Key Dates for the diary
3W have PE on a Monday—please arrive in kit
3H have PE on a Thursday—please arrive in kit
Both classes need to have wellies in school for gardening with Mrs Parsons on a Monday.
Homework in Year 3 will be completed on Class Dojo, where children can do the activities electronically or a photo of their written work can be uploaded.
The weekly template for homework includes:
A piece of English homework
A spelling list
A piece of Maths homework
A piece of talk homework
It is vital that the homework is regularly completed, so feedback can be given. It is also important that you hear your child read on a regular basis, ideally this would be for a minimum of 10 minutes a day.
We would like the children to complete a homework project based on our topic of the Stone Age. The homework can be in any form that interests your child, for example it could be art work, a piece of writing or a PowerPoint. We look forward to seeing what they produce and it may be placed on display or even in the school museum
The Stone Age
Battles, Beliefs and Buildings
Our key texts are going to be:
Stone Age Boy, Colour Monster and How to
Wash a Woolly Mammoth
The writing genres we are going to study are:
Descriptive writing
Story Writing
Our Maths topics are going to :
Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Learning Outside the Classroom
DT Shelters in the forest
Planting lettuce in Edible Playgrounds
Rocks and Soils
Art—Cave paintings and blending colours
RE— Hinduism
PE – Basketball
Geography— features of the land (rivers and mountains)