Spring Term 25
IT Spr 1 Y2 Presentation Skills.
Art Spring Y2 Bostin Black Country.
IT Spr 2 Y2 Computer art.
RE Spr Y2 What is a prophet
Science Spr 2 Y2 life cycles and health.
PE Spr 2 Y2 Invasion games
Geography Spr Y2 Bostin' Black Country.
RE spr Y2 How do we know some people have a special connection to God 2
Y2 Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser Dodgeball.
PSHE Spr Y2 Safety And The Changing Body Final4
History spr Y2 bostin black country.
Y2 Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser Gymnastics.
Science Spring Yr 2 Materials.
DT YR 2 KO Spring Mechanisms DT knowledge organiser.
PE Spr Y2 Dance
PSHE Spr Y2 Citizenship
Summer Term 25
IT knowledge organiser Y2 stop motion (1).
RE Y2 Summer 1 RW How do some people talk to God
Science Sum Y2 plant growth and care.
PE Y2 Sum 2 Athletics
Y2 Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser Tennis.
Music Y2 KO Sum 2 Musical Me
Geography Sum WW1 lets remember.
PSHE KO Y2 SUm 1 Economic Wellbeing
Summer Year 2 WW1 History Knowledge Organiser (1).
Music KO Y2 Sum 1 On This Island
Autumn 25
Computing Aut Y2 Turtle Logo and scratch.
RE Autumn 2 Candles
RE Autumn 1 Why do we need to give thanks
Art Aut Y2.
DT Aut Y2 textiles.
PE Aut 1 Y2 games.
Y2 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser Football.
Science Aut 2 Y2 Microhabitats.
Science Aut 1 Y2 Living things and their habitats complete.
Y2 Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser Activity games.
Music Autumn 1 Y2 Call Response
PSHE Autumn 1 Y2 Families And Relationships
Music Autumn 2 Y2 orchestral instruments
Australia History Aut Y2.
Australia Geography Aut Y2.
PSHE Autumn 2 Y2 Health And Wellbeing 2