Great and Ghastly Events

This leaflet contains curriculum information for the coming term. Please support your child where you can. If you would like more information please get in touch.
Many thanks,
Mrs Catana & Mr Cooper

Key Dates for the diary

Our Year 1 inspire afternoon will be on Monday 13th March in the school hall.

We will send more information to you about this nearer the time.



The pupils will receive one piece of homework each week on ClassDojo, if you’re having trouble finding it speak to Mr cooper or Mrs Catana. Your child will be given the homework on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday. At the end of the half-term we will be sending home a special homework project to complete based upon the Titanic.

Reading books are sent home every Friday. Our new phonics books need to be returned the following Monday (they have a picture of a green ant on the front and back).



Great and Ghastly Events

Our topic this term is Great and Ghastly Events. We will be learning about the Great Fire of London, the sinking of the Titanic and the Moon landing.
We will be testing which materials can melt or burn for our Great Fire topic and which materials float for our Titanic topic.




Our key texts are going to be:

The reading books (with a coloured sticker on the spine)  will be a little harder because they haven’t been practised with all week. The will need to be returned the following Friday.




We will be teaching English skills through Phonics, on Fridays the children will have a chance to apply these skills in a writing lesson. We will also be teaching the children about diaries, and how to write them.



We will be teaching Maths skills through

  • Place value within 20
  • Addition and subtraction up to 20;
  • Problem solving




Learning Outside the Classroom

PE: Tuesday mornings

Commando Joe:

1C: Thursday Mornings

1LC: Thursday afternoons


(every other week, wearing uniforms):

Friday mornings









  • Programming


  • The Great Fire of London, 1666
  • The sinking of Titanic, 1912

Art & DT

  • Building replica 17th Century houses
  • Painting ocean collage pictures using watercolours.
  • Print making
  • Building floating boats


  • Jesus the friend
  • Be yourself


  • Gymnastics


  • World atlas and map work, focusing on the route of the Titanic, our capital city and the four nations of the United Kingdom.